New selected works from series "Standing Between Earth + Heaven" The Pharmaka of 17 Keys | 48" x 96" | Oil on wood | 2021-2023 A prosperous Voyage | 96" x 48" | Oil on wood | 2021-2023 Exercises in Intuition | 40" x 30" | Oil on canvas | 2021-2023 Eves Tears | 40" x 30" | Oil on canvas | 2021-2023 Blind to One's Own Beauty | 40" x 30" | Oil on canvas | 2021-2023 Boundless faith of the Augurs | 30" x 40" | Oil on canvas | 2021-2023 Wars + Rumours of Wars | 14.5" x 7" | Oil on wood | 2021-2023